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Seaweed mask places the 180-mesh sifted Gracilaria powder in the mask paste and grinds it in the colloid mill, so that the nutritional essence of Gracilaria gradually permeates into the mask and relies entirely on natural ingredients for deep and effective care of the face. the thiogalactose contained in it can combine with skin protein to form a moisturizing gel, and sulfated galactose forms a protective film on the surface of the skin through hydration to prevent water evaporation. Compared with other seaweed mask particles on the market, the mask is latex and easy to use. secondly, the sulfated galactose contained in Gracilaria can combine with skin protein to form a moisturizing gel, and sulfated galactose forms a protective film on the surface of the skin to prevent water evaporation, which can play a good moisturizing effect. Chlorella extract, bauhinia powder, chamomile powder and marigold extract were also added to the mask to promote the growth of epidermal cells, accelerate skin metabolism, improve skin properties and increase dermis collagen. It plays a role in preventing skin aging.