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Systemic cosmetic treatments for the face

Systemic cosmetic treatments for the face

Apr 26, 2022

jing li

In this article, you'll learn:

The face is the visiting card of a woman. Everyone strives for perfect skin. Smooth, smooth, beautiful and well-groomed is the dream of many. A dream can be made a reality if you know the secrets of proper care.

Balanced nutrition, full sleep and, of course, systemic cosmetic care - for the face this is the best option to make the skin perfect. Only complex procedures will achieve the expected effect. Read on about the secrets of perfect skin.

Benefits of Systemic Facial Care

Wrinkles are the first sign of aging. The reason for their appearance can be active facial expressions (facial muscles daily perform more than 15 thousand contractions), loss of moisture, collagen. At first, wrinkles appear in the form of so-called crow's feet in the eye area. If you do not perform systemic cosmetic treatments for the face, deeper and more noticeable folds and furrows are formed.

Benefits of Systemic Facial Care

Another sign of fading of the skin is sagging, or ptosis. A similar phenomenon is a consequence of a decrease in the production of keratin in the cells of the epidermis. Plus, the process of formation of sebum is disrupted - a special skin secret secreted by the sebaceous glands. All this together makes the face dull, flabby and betrays the true age of the woman.

It is necessary to take care not only of the face. The skin of the hands also needs protection, because it is this part of the body that most often comes into contact with aggressive cleaning products, is in the cold and under the scorching sun. Therefore, care should be more thorough. It is necessary to choose not only those cosmetics that provide protection, but also nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating hand creams.

The following factors also affect the condition of the skin:

  • Photoaging. This process is caused by damage to the skin by the sun's rays. It manifests itself in the form of pigment spots on the face, shoulders, hands.

  • Hormonal changes. During menopause, the female body is undergoing a global restructuring. First of all, the level of estrogen decreases, it is he who is responsible for the condition of the skin.

No one is immune from age-related changes. However, you can keep healthy and radiant skin for a long time if you use systemic cosmetic facial treatments. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, time


The selection of skin care products should be carried out in accordance with its type. In cosmetology, normal, fatty, dry and combined are distinguished.


Facial skin care depending on skin type

  • Dry skin

This type is ideal for young girls. The face looks smooth, taut, silky, the pores are invisible. But with age, problems appear in the form of peeling, irritation, a feeling of tightness. On dry skin, the first wrinkles appear first.

Moisture loss can occur for several reasons. This includes genetic predisposition, lack of nutrients in the body, chronic diseases, dehydration. The main disadvantage of dry skin is its increased sensitivity. After using improperly selected cosmetics, there is a feeling of discomfort, rashes appear, up to dermatoses. Owners of this type of skin should take care of sufficient hydration. It is necessary to exclude from everyday life ordinary soap and hard products for removing makeup and cleansing.

In order for dry skin to look decent at any age, it is worth taking care of careful care and additional nutrition of the cells of the epidermis.

  • Oily skin

This type of skin gives a lot of experience to girls. Enlarged pores, acne, greasy shine - all this looks unattractive. Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands causes clogging of pores, black dots appear on the face, inflammation, the cells of the epidermis cease to receive proper nutrition, the blood supply to the integuments is disturbed. Oily skin reacts very sensitively to fluctuations in the hormonal background, so the puberty period becomes a real problem for owners of this type. With age, the condition of the integuments changes, the skin approaches most often to a mixed appearance.

The advantages of oily skin include the later appearance of wrinkles. Secretions of the sebaceous glands seem to protect the upper layer of the epidermis from moisture loss, sudden temperature jumps and other negative effects. And the shortcomings are easily corrected if you choose the right systemic cosmetic treatments for the face.

  • Combination skin

This is the most common type of skin. It is easy to recognize by the presence of areas of the epidermis of different fat content. Most often, a fatty T-zone (nose, forehead, chin) and drier temples and cheekbones are distinguished on the face. This is due to the uneven work of the sebaceous glands.

But even the owners of the combined type can look perfect if they take care of high-quality care. To maintain the beauty of the skin, several cosmetics are used at once. These are cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing compounds that reduce oiliness, relieve rashes and irritation, normalize blood supply, restore a healthy complexion.

Over the course of a lifetime, skin type may change. The combined one is replaced by normal, and then dry. After 30 years, the skin requires special attention, because it is during this period that active age-related changes in the cells of the epidermis begin. It is important to start proper care in a timely manner, this will provide an attractive appearance for many years.

  • Normal skin

Everyone wants to be perfect, but, alas, this type of skin is extremely rare. It is characterized by a healthy complexion, sufficient hydration, elasticity, lack of dryness, rashes, acne, clogged pores. The cells of the epidermis are perfectly supplied with nutrients, which provides the necessary protection. The face of the owners of normal skin is fresh, well-groomed, young.

But no matter how perfect you look, you should not forget about the complex care of the face and body. Without competent support, the work of the cells of the epidermis is disturbed, which is especially evident in the cold season. As a rule, skin care consists of gentle cleansing, sufficient hydration and nutrition.

Age markings of cosmetics

Creams often have age markings. What does it affect and why can not use anti-aging drugs in adolescence?

Age markings of cosmetics

The condition of the skin, regardless of its type, changes over the years. Accordingly, changes are required and systemic cosmetic care for the face.

  • At the age of twenty, when old age and the first wrinkles seem to be something very distant and unreal, internal transformations at the cellular level are already launched in the body. The maturation of the skin will not appear soon, but it's time to do prevention. The basis should be sufficient hydration and nutrition. After 25 years, the care is supplemented with cosmetics for the sensitive area around the eyes. At a young age, the cells function well, which allows the body to use its own resources and be content with regular cleansing and easy moisturizing of the skin.

  • After thirty, the skin undergoes significant changes. The level of collagen, hyaluronic acid is markedly reduced, all this negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. The face becomes dull, flabby, the first wrinkles appear, which is especially noticeable by the age of 35. The skin loses its elasticity, firmness, so at this stage it is important to take care of your appearance. First of all, it should be protection against UV rays, which lead to dehydration and the appearance of age spots. This is followed by support with cosmetics with collagen and hyaluronic acid.